Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

Solve the problem of bad reviews…forever!

Create professional quality graphics and videos easily — and free!

In the world of business, one of the most crucial pillars for success is being exceptional at something specific. Whether it's a signature dish at a restaurant or a standout product in retail, you want to be known as the go-to place for that particular offering. This story highlights exactly why that matters—and how one restaurant solved the problem of negative reviews for good.

When I work with restaurants, one of the first things I do is read their reviews. These can be gold mines for understanding where a business might be going wrong. Over the years, I’ve read thousands of reviews—some insightful, many quite harsh.

One day, I decided to dive into the reviews of a Michelin-starred restaurant. You know the type: $600 per person, with reservations booked months in advance. I was curious to see what people were saying about a place held in such high regard.

As expected, there were plenty of detailed reviews about the food, service, and overall experience—mostly very positive. But what shocked me was that 99.9% of these reviews focused on one thing: at the end of every meal, the restaurant gave diners a complimentary box of homemade granola to take home.

This simple, thoughtful gesture left such a lasting impression that nearly every review mentioned it—often with glowing praise. Even if a guest wasn’t completely thrilled with the food or service, this free gift of granola created a positive association. It was a delightful surprise after an expensive meal and left people feeling appreciated.

By nailing this one thing, the restaurant virtually guaranteed a positive note in every review. It became part of their identity, something they did exceptionally well.

So, as you think about your own business today, ask yourself: What’s the one thing I do really, really well? Focus on that, and make sure it shines in everything you do. This can be the key to surprising and delighting your customers—and ensuring they always have something good to say about you.

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone

Aislelabs. The all-in-one marketing tool!

Aislelabs is an all-in-one platform that lets you use your public wi-fi to acquire customer demographics and purchasing patterns, then market to them more customers efficiently and effectively!

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Aislelabs is an all-in-one platform that lets you use your public wi-fi to:

Obtain detailed shopper data and marketing consent as they connect to your in-store WiFi.

Drastically improve WiFi experience by enabling one-click connectivity, eliminating lengthy forms and antiquated login screens.

Let shoppers connect once to seamlessly use WiFi across all your stores both now and in future visits.

Learn visitor demographics such as age, gender, and interests in relation to their behavior.

Take action on data collected with the WiFi marketing solution to delight your shoppers and market to them in a personalized manner.

Aislelabs offers terrific value and marketing depth for small retail and restaurants!

Nima Ayat, Director of Sales

Nima Ayat, Director of Sales

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Angel Cicerone Angel Cicerone Changing the game for local store advertising. brings together powerful online promotion that’s
hyper-local, effective and FREE!

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You’re not going to want to miss this episode! provides hyper-local exposure for small business — all for free. Listen as co-founder Grant Findlay-Shirras takes you through the platform’s unique features, like the Reviewpon, that will help you acquire new customers, online
reviews and increase your search engine rankings!

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